Will Singapore's economic growth continue?
Will Singapore's economic growth continue?

“Our efforts to transform our economy are paying off,” he said. As if looking into an economic crystal ball, he expressed the view that the country would face profitable changes. “ Within a decade, our city and our whole country will be completely transformed,” he added.
What does all this mean for businesses in Singapore? Singapore’s property and construction industries are booming and this is due to the government’s success in attracting companies, including Citigroup Inc and Friends Provident PLc.
What does all this mean for businesses in Singapore? Singapore’s property and construction industries are booming and this is due to the government’s success in attracting companies, including Citigroup Inc and Friends Provident PLc.
Manufacturing and service industries will also expand and information technology industries will enjoy a boost in growth. 11,300 jobs have been created due to business expansion. What one has to ponder would be is to whether the good times will last and if the positive growth will be hit by an unpredictable event?
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